Gid investments
Gid investments

The Immunization Systems Branch (ISB): Works to identify evidence-based solutions to strengthen immunization systems and inform the development, introduction, delivery of, and demand for safe and effective vaccines that meet population needs across the life-course.In partnership with the Measles and Rubella Initiative, the branch leads activities to eliminate measles and rubella by providing expertise to introduce measles and rubella-containing vaccines into national immunization programs, improve vaccination coverage rates, strengthen laboratory capacity and laboratory networks, and build outbreak preparedness and response capacity to help achieve and sustain regional elimination targets. The branch provides expertise and support to improve programmatic activities and strategies, collaborate on analyses to inform decision-making, and assist in surveillance efforts for diseases prevented by existing, new, or underutilized vaccines. The Accelerated Disease Control Branch (ADCB): Works with countries and global partners to prevent, detect, and respond to vaccine-preventable diseases with control and elimination goals, including cholera, hepatitis b, measles, rubella, tetanus, and typhoid fever.The Polio Eradication Branch (PEB): Works with global partners to achieve polio eradication by providing technical leadership within the Global Polio Eradication Initiative on programmatic activities around the world. This work includes improving surveillance, data analysis, research, vaccination campaigns, and outbreak preparedness and response. PEB’s work prioritizes disrupting wild poliovirus transmission in the two remaining, polio-endemic countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) stopping outbreaks of non-wild polioviruses by improving and maintaining high vaccination coverage rates and strengthening immunization systems to help countries remain polio-free, as well as better prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to vaccine-preventable and emerging disease threats.

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GID Organizational Chart Leadership Structure – Text Alternative Branch Descriptions

Gid investments